explains key word concepts -->
Picasso blood information cubes
... codon software cubes of
3 DNA molecules (3 sides) giving
27 cubed .... and
output cubism art
Bose–Einstein Condensate ( BEC) - Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bose–Einstein_condensateA Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of serious matter ..regarding atomic financial systems and atomic economics, etc ... with Nature's EARTH language and its EARTH government relationship to subset humans and subset human institutions.
the BEC tribe bank ......... Wife of the triBECa banker beaten
by motorcycles /energy cycle war agents ,,,,, , new video details attack
- NY Daily ... 
May 19, 2015 - Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional ... Photo from facebook of bike victim Alexian Lien (right) with his wife Rosalyn Lien ... She also said at the bench trial of “biker cop” Wojciech Braszczok and ...
NYPD 'biker cop' starts trial in 2013 mob beating of NYC dad - NY ... 
May 19, 2015 - "Biker cop" Wojciech Braszczok participated in the "mob mentality" beating of a ... A TriBeCa banker broke down on the witness stand at the trial of an .... 2013 beating of motorist Alexian Lien by a group of motorcycle riders.
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ... 
Missing: banker

To meet Florida's growing energy needs, FPL plans to build and operate the Okeechobee Clean Energy Center, a high-efficiency power-generating facility ...
FPL | Contact Us 
Report power issues online or by phone 24/7. For all other issues, representatives are available Mon. - Fri. from 7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. and Sat. from 8 a.m. - 5 ...
Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee,
Florida with Reviews - YP.com 
www.yellowpages.com › Okeechobee, FL
Find 7 listings related to Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Florida Power And ...
FPL's Okeechobee natural-gas power plant nears Florida DEP approval 
Florida Power And Light in Okeechobee
Florida Power And Light ............echo WAR ZONE
FPL argues for new $1.2 billion power plant in Okeechobee County ... 
Okeechobee County
Ok...echo Count --> Ok echo --> echo Ok --> agent
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ...
.......................echo ok ......
rigged information TRIAL . evidence omitted .....
approved by Justice Department arrogant nonsense people
and their supremacy attitude
Aug 5, 2015 - Ex-NYPD cop Wojciech Braszczok sentenced to 2 years for 2013 biker gang attack ... two years for taking part in a 2013 biker gang attack on a Tribeca dad in front of ... Alexian Lien was the victim of an assault by a mob of bikers in September ... man behind as he tried to flee the pack of motorcycle maniacs.agent Oy
Thus we see the LINKS between BEC and the Echo system.
Strange Horizons - Bose-Einstein Condensates By Marissa Lingen 
They are less energetic than solids ......as explained by Solidarity
We can also think of this as more organized ....... Solidarity UNION organization of the
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON expression atoms and their alphabet of 26 letters .....
at the iron ship-yards in Poland with agent Lech --> L + ech --> Land ./language/ lingistics echo
Alfred Korzybski - Wikipedia 
Thus we see the LINKS between BEC and the Echo system and the
TRIBE / tribal message site in ......
Tribeca Gallery Cafe 
Gallery ... Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books. . Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books. 401 E. Main Street. Watertown WI 53094. Shop Indie Bookstores. Home · About ...
About - Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books 
Tribeca GalleryCafe & Books was established in April of 2007. We are located in the heart of Historic Watertown. Our charming cafe offers a terrific espresso bar, ...
with the
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK ....
Far Horizon Imports - Watertown, WI - Gift Shop in Watertown, Wisconsin 
www.manta.com › ... › Shopping › Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Shops › Gift Shops
Get information, directions, products, services, phone numbers, and reviews on Far Horizon Imports in Watertown, WI. Discover more Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir ...
Far Horizons Imports - Cards & Stationery - 413 E Main St, Watertown ... 
https://www.yelp.com › Event Planning & Services › Cards & Stationery
Photo of Far Horizons Imports - Watertown, WI, United States. Our Store ... with the most eclectic mix of gifts, Far Horizons Imports is simply a fun place to shop.
The world site ..
communications LINKAGE with information highways
O = Oxygen atom 16 with COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal highway 16
Fe = Ferous oxide IRON atomic 26 alphabet ...... .
with EARTH iron core,,,EARTH surface Highway 26 with
Fe --> Ferrous oxide
Fe --> Feeble minded agents and the BES (Bose-Einstein Statistics) application TEST site .... BES = BES.sie the COW abstraction ladder .....at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown
with EARTH iron core,,,EARTH surface Highway 26 with
Fe --> Ferrous oxide
Fe --> Feeble minded agents and the BES (Bose-Einstein Statistics) application TEST site .... BES = BES.sie the COW abstraction ladder .....at Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown
Strange Horizons LINK
Strange Horizons LINK ........
Far Horizons ...Milwaukee and Watertown Wisconsin
Far Horizons ..Latitude and Longitude --> Longboat Key
Longboat Key: Sanctuary for Man and Beast - The New York Times 
Nov 1, 1970 - By the late fifties, Field and Jack Kahn, a Milwaukee TV executive and guest at Colony Beach, had joined forces in another hotel, Far Horizons, ...
June 11, 1967 - The Dining Is Fine in Florida's Sarasota Area ... 
... the country was at Far Horizons, operated by Jack Kahn -of Milwaukee and his two sons. ... HeIrb Field, from Chicago, is always adding to or improving his two ...
Below, a Salvador Dali verison of the human PROTEIN MACHINE ......
proteins of the Einsteins-Rosen bridge application.
Coupling constant - Wikipedia 
The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. I Ch. 2: Basic Physics 
www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/I_02.htmlThe electromagnetic field can carry waves; some of these waves are light, others ..... The detailed law of this coupling is known, that is quantum electrodynamics.
Above words--> 9,000 TO 27,000 --> NUMBERS 9 AND 27
The blood arteries of Pablo Picasso's
and their bio-math algebra output ... art MESSAGE ...... Cubism Period 
Analytical Cubism is one of the two major branches of the artistic movement of Cubism and was developed between 1908 and 1912. In contrast to Synthetic ...
Above Madison Wisconsin ......
article secret codes --> 9,000 TO 27,000 -->NUMBERS 9 AND 27 for the bio-optical re-programming of the b100d Picasso Software
Above article ..top line --> Sheb was playing Methodists .....
thus the creation of the tragic signaling EVENT with the same nouns
Sheb -->Shelby, North Carolina
Methodist --> Emanuel African Methods Church
Dylann Roof jury: Death penalty for Charleston church shooter - CNN ... 
Jan 10, 2017 - Twelve federal jurors said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people in a 2015 ... Chilling moments from Dylann Roof's trial.
Dylann Roof Is Sentenced to Death in rigged trial ....
Charleston Church Massacre ... 
Jan 10, 2017 - Dylann S. Roof was found guilty of 33 counts in connection with the ... sentencing decision effectively capped Mr. Roof's federal trial for the ...Dylann Roof and the Emanuel church codes --> EM roof -->
giving Isaac Asimov psychohistory CONCEPT equation
--> Empirical PROOF
Batwings --> code --> bat --> batavia problems
.... wings and featherless bipeds
Principia Mathematica to *56 - Page 73 - Google Books Result 
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Mathematics
Thus even if “.1: is a featherless biped ” is formally equivalent to “.1: is a man,” it by no means follows that a person who believes that all men are mortal must ...Principia Mathematica to *56
Principia Mathematica to *56
--> message for Illinois Route 56 ......
............................... noise / BS and atomic social science nonsense
Code word --> Whiskey
--> WH + Is + key -->
White House information systems key .........
Base 16 key at address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Code word --> Whiskey
--> WH + Is + key -->
White House information systems key ......... BEER SUMMIT secrets
The Whiskey .......... White House ..... Beer summit
- Boston.com 
White House beer summit -- photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and ...
Barack Obama 2009 Beer Summit - Henry Louis Gates Jr ... 
Apr 22, 2016 - Barack Obama found himself unwittingly in the middle of the ongoing debate over racial profiling when he gave divisive remarks after the arrest ...
Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia 
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., was arrested at his Cambridge, Massachusetts home by local police officer Sgt. James Crowley, who was responding to a 9-1-1 caller's report of men breaking and entering the residence. The arrest initiated a series of events that unfolded under the spotlight of the international news media.
The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct.
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the choreography of the data generatingEVENT
On July 16 --> IBM and the base 16 route to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Harvard University professor --> Pro + fe --> 26 proton alphabet of Ferrous oxide IRON atomic agent
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Gates was arrested by the responding officer,
James C. Crow - Wikipedia
The arrest occurred just after Gates returned home to Cambridge after a trip to China to research the ancestry of Yo-Yo Ma for Faces of America.[2] Gates found the front door to his home jammed shut and, with the help of his driver, tried to force it open. A local witness reported their activity to the police as a potential burglary in progress. Accounts regarding the ensuing confrontation differ, but Gates was arrested by the responding officer, Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley, and charged with disorderly conduct.
On July 16, 2009, Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and the choreography of the data generatingEVENT
On July 16 --> IBM and the base 16 route to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Harvard University professor --> Pro + fe --> 26 proton alphabet of Ferrous oxide IRON atomic agent
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Lo Gates, Jr.
Henry Logic Gates, Job region expression agent
Gates was arrested by the responding officer,
Cambridge Police Sgt. James Crowley .......
representing DOC James C. Crow and OLD CROW Whiskey
James C. Crow - Wikipedia 
Born in Inverness, Doctor James C. "Jim" Crow (1789–1856) may be loosely credited as the perfecter of the sour mash process used in creating bourbon
Born in Inverness,
Born in Inver ness,
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse EARTH ...... earthly levels
Born in Inverted / inverse languages inside the body/brain
Inverted question and exclamation marks - Wikipedia 
Inverted question marks (¿) and exclamation marks (Commonwealth English) or exclamation points (American English) (¡) are punctuation marks used to begin ...
why are question marks upside down at the Boston Marathon trial?
| Spanish Dictionary Answers with Carmen Ortiz and Boston 
www.spanishdict.com › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
S. I. Hayakawa - Wikiquote 
It has been suggested that Language in Thought and Action be merged into ..... the thing symbolized; the word is NOT the thing; the map is NOT the territory it ...
Language in Thought and Action - Wikiquote 
Language in Thought and Action is a book on semantics by Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa, based on his previous work Language in Action published in 1939. ... 3.3 The Pitfalls of Drama; 3.4 The Word Is Not the Thing; 3.5 Maps and Territories .
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages 
homepages.ulb.ac.be/~jpvannop/HAYA.htmlApr 22, 2008 - S. I. Hayakawa's Language in Thought and Action has been one of the ... not just any type of confusion !), or mistake maps for territories (36).
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we ...
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Directions to Wilson Hall, Fermilab
Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II | Read Comic Strips at GoComics.com 
Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for Mar 22, 2017 | GoComics.com.
Ziggy by Tom Wilson
Who is Ziggy in quantum THOUGHT leap?
Who are the Ziggy agents in the FermiLAB .. group above?
Tom Wilson (cartoonist) - Wikipedia 
Jump to Ziggy - The Ziggy comics panel, syndicated by Universal Uclick (formerly Universal Press Syndicate), launched in 15 newspapers in June 1971.
Ziggy (comic strip based on the Carl Jung ....
atomic collective .....
sub-conscious GROUP MIND at Wilson Hall ) - Wikipedia 
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster 
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/symbolism1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
--> Green Bay packers football color codes
yellow --> Sunlight
green --> Chorophyll green
Pigment --> Pig men ...... big football players ..... nice guys BUT pig agents
Paul Dirac and St. Paul Minnesota - Wikipedia 
and the wormhole Joruney VIA the EARTH . ...
Einstein-Rosen communications Bridge to Roseville / Falcon Heights region of St. Paul
Shooting of Philando Castile ... the Lando STAR WARS - Wikipedia 
Background · Incident · Death and funeral · Reactions
Falcon Heights ---------------------> Millenium Falcon
PhiLando C. ------------------------> Lando C.
Lauderdale -------------------------> Fort Lauderdale ...STAR WARS at airport
PhiLando --> P lando --------------> Pulse shooting Orlando
St.Paul ----------------------------------> Paul Dirac data sets attacked
Minnesota --> sota -----------------> attack at Sarasota data sets
Minnesota --> min --------------------> attack the mini-max theorem of statistical decision theory
Program Recording Event (PER)interrupt for Instruction Fetch in the IBM System/370 can be
taken only when I fetch PER is enabled and the opcode of the ...
Program event recording (PER) facility - IBM 
The program event recording (PER) facility assists in problem determination for programs running in a native z/TPF environment. You can trace the following ...
Program-Event Recording - IBM 
"Functional Characteristics" IBM Library Server 
... System/370 extended facility: Non-MVS-dependent portion Std Std Sysplex ... Std - Program-event recording (PER) Std Std - Set-system-mask suppression ...
IMS V13 - Database administration -
The logical child segment
- IBM 
When defining a logical child in its physical database, the length specified for it must be large enough to contain the concatenated key of the logical parent.
IMS V13 - Database administration - Logical relationship types - IBM 
A unidirectional relationship links two segment types, a logical child and its logical parent, in one direction. A one-way path is established using a pointer in the ..
END of explanation
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