Saturday, October 27, 2018

Nikola Tesla 46 - Holy Hill ..Watertown quantum wave function ... Paige Raque BEC


explains  key word concepts --> 

Holy Hill graphic shape ......

quantum wave function ... 

Watertown  Paige Raque BEC

May 7, 2016 - Paige Raque did what seemed impossible after
she fell out of a fifth-floor window of Calder Commons in October 2012. The fall broke her body ...
she fell out 
she fell out 
she fell out --> electron shell life

Above .. the EARTH language site ....
Holy Hill and Watertown ... H O  H = H2O

Holy Hill as an  electron message site  ...... on the EARTH geography ground soil/rock as  land --> approximate  molecular  plane 

    Holy Hill is located in southeast Wisconsin,
    ...............................................sin wave function ....

    on the highest elevation in this part of the state. 
    Situated on 435 acres of rural countryside, it provides visitors with ...

    Mass Schedule  --> atomic mass schedule· ‎
    Basilica · ‎
    Holy Hill intellectual BRAIN Development Site · ‎
    Sc = Scenic Tower for Sc= Sub-conscious MIND and
    Sc = School errors and schmes of
    Sc = Scholarship  for sub-conscious BS development of hip/buttocks/leg thoughts 

    she fell out 
    she fell out 
    shell ... feller  output .....

    ler-An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications ...

    ry proof of this famous theorem see W. Feller, On Müntz' theorem and .... 
    moment generating function,
    but in reality it is the generating function of the sequence.

    The Moment-Generating Function and Negative Integer Moments - JStor

    by N Cressie - ‎1981 - ‎Cited by 115 - ‎Related articles
    moment-generating function M,(t) contains informa- tion about ... 1.10; Feller 1968, p. 285) is ... For example, Williams (1941) looked at moments of the ratio of ...

    Negative Integer Moments

    Negative Integer Moments ...minus 39 feet (-39) at Penn State with
    William Feller expression agent Raque  LINK  queBEC  ....
    ............ Fell  39 Negative Integer Moments

    Above keyword  ...L'Hopital's rule ...


    Cal --> Calder Commons apartment building
    (a  Cassius Clay  .... soil / clay ..... brick atomic LIFE FORM) 

    Cal --> Calculus of Calcutta India (Satyendra nath Bose)
    and Calder Commons 

     Calculus social science applications
    ...... I - L'Hospital's Rule and Indeterminate Forms

      May 30, 2018 - Home / Calculus I / Applications of Derivatives / L'Hospital's Rule and Indeterminate Forms. Section 4-10 : L'Hospital's Rule and Indeterminate Forms. ... LHospital’s Rule works great on the two indeterminate forms 0/0 and ±∞/±∞±∞/±∞{{ \pm \,\infty }}/{{ \pm \,\infty ...
      Missing: moment ‎| ‎Must include: ‎moment
      Using L'Hôpital's rule for finding limits of indeterminate forms. L'Hôpital's rule introduction · L'Hôpital's rule: limit at 0 example · Practice: L'Hôpital's rule: 0/0.
      Missing: moment ‎| ‎Must include: ‎moment

      What is L'Hospital's rule? - YouTube

      Bose–Einstein statistics LINK to William Feller probability
       - Wikipedia

        In quantum statisticsBoseEinstein statistics (or more colloquially B–E statistics) is one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states, at thermodynamic equilibrium.
          The Bose-Einstein Distribution. The Bose-Einstein distribution describes the statistical behavior of integer spin particles (bosons). At low temperatures, bosons can behave very differently than fermions because an unlimited number of them can collect into the same energy state, a phenomenon called "condensatio

          The Lord of the Rings.... atomic orbital Rings (telephone rings)
          The Two Towers in Wisconsin LINK to

          Wardenclyffe Tower in Watertown
          (St.Bernard's Catholic Church copper antenna)- Wikipedia

            The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a 2002 fantasy adventure film directed by Peter Jackson and based on the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's novel ...
            Edited by‎: ‎Michael Horton‎; ‎Jabez Olssen
            End of the COMPUTER EARTH atomic data entry  MODEL

            END of explanation


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