Sunday, October 28, 2018

Nikola Tesla 51 - the living eart celll EKG


explains  key word concepts --> 

the living earth cell EKG 

EKG | Electrocardiogram - Practical Clinical Skills

An EKG, also called an ECG or electrocardiogram, is a recording of the heart's electrical activity. It is a quick and painless procedure. EKGs captures a tracing of ..

What Is an Electrocardiogram (EKG ) Test? - WebMD

An electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a test that checks for problems with the electrical activity of yourheart. An EKG shows the heart's electrical activity as line tracings on paper. ... To help you understand the importance of this test, fill out the medical test information form ...

Electrocardiogram ( EKG) - Am (Atomic Mass)
--> AM -->AMerican Heart Association

Sep 11, 2015 - An electrocardiogram — abbreviated as EKG or ECG — is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through theheart. ... First, by measuring time intervals on the ECG, a doctor can determine how long ...

--> AM -->AMerican Heart Association

--> AM -->AMerican    eartH  Association of awareness

Nikola Tesla's Earth  message / EKG quake Machine - The Excluded Middle

In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through
the earth returns an "echo signature"

using the same ...

END of explanation


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